This is not a physical product, will include a full fit test with one of our highly knowledgeable employees.
Please note:
- You must not drink, smoke or eat 30 min priror to the test
- Must be clean shaven in order to fit the mask as these are tight fitting respirators that need to seal to the users skin
Fit test does not include the cost of accessories!
Please bring your own mask, or we can sell you a new one on the day of your fit test.
After purchase, we will reach out for you to schedule a date and time!
Service to be completed anytime Monday to Friday between 9AM & 4PM, please call us to schedule a time!
Please note that you should not eat, drink or smoke 30 min prior to your fit test
You must be clean shaven at the time of appointment.
If a second respirator is needed to be fit on, it will be an additional charge of $15.00
Tight-fitting respirators must seal to the wearer’s face in order to provide expected protection. This includes disposable respirators (also called “filtering facepieces”). Therefore, fit testing is required in the US by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) before a user wears a mandatory respirator on the job, and must be assessed at least annually. In addition, fit tests should be performed:
- Whenever a different size, style, model or make of respirator is used.
- When any facial changes occur that could affect fit, such as significant weight fluctuation or dental work.